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The Kia Whiti Tonu (to shine brightly) programme were a series of free online workshops provide information and insights to support capability and capacity building in community organisations. Funded by Foundation North, they were developed initially in response to needs identified in 2020 in a COVID-19 impact survey carried out in collaboration between the Centre for Social Impact, Hui E! Community Aotearoa, Philanthropy New Zealand, and Volunteering New Zealand.

Presenter: Tuihana Ohia

Content: This session focused on self-awareness and self-care. Leaning into a Reflective Practise, it provided an opportunity for participants to speak to and share their pūmanawa (natural gifted talents, magic, superpowers), pūkenga (skills, expertise) and learnings, and reflect on how we ‘live,’ nourish, practise, and apply these to our roles, mahi, whanau and the communities in which we serve.

Presentation: Download here
Kete: Download here