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The Peter McKenzie Project (PMP) is a key programme of family foundation, J R McKenzie Trust. It supports a small group or ‘flotilla’ of initiatives tackling the root causes of child and whānau poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. The PMP has a long-term, experimental approach to systems change. Its participatory model allows ngā kaikōkiri and a supporting committee and team to jointly make decisions about strategy, resourcing, and grantmaking. PMP is an expression of J R McKenzie Trust’s three change strategies: strengthen collaboration and support collective action; support community innovation, voice, and leadership; and grow capacity to progress system-focused solutions. Read the Peter McKenzie Project story below.

In the video below, PMP Director, Lili Tuioti reflects on some of the challenging practicalities of ngā kaikōkiri engaging in participatory philanthropy alongside leading work in their own communities, and the need to for funders to balance taking a lead and stepping aside to enable communities to make decisions.

NB: This is a case study from The Philanthropic Landscape Volume II: Shifting Culture and Power through Mana-Enhancing Partnerships. Read the full report here.