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A solid evidence base supported the development of Foundation North’s 2018 Strategic Plan. The plan is a 15-year road map that will guide the investment of grants likely to total around half a billion dollars through to 2033. 

The Centre for Social Impact helped develop the research reports that helped the Foundation identify the greatest opportunities to make a difference for Auckland and Northland communities experiencing rapid and complex demographic and social change.

An overview of the regions Understanding the Landscape of Auckland & Northland: An Evidence Review is complemented by two more in-depth reports; Investing for Impact in South Auckland and Northland, and Effective philanthropic support for diverse communities.

The research identified South Auckland and Northland as being disproportionately affected by disparities across key indicators: income, education, employment, child and youth wellbeing and outcomes for Māori communities and Pacific communities.

The report Effective philanthropic support for diverse communities was developed with support from The Oryza Foundation. This looked at effective philanthropic practice to support the needs of refugee and migrant-background communities.