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Embedding evaluative practice was the focus of the final free online Kia Whiti Tonu workshop, funded by Foundation North, for 2021. Facilitated by CSI Associate Rachael Trotman, with speakers Penny Hagen from the Auckland Co-Design Lab and Sophia Beaton from The Southern Initiative’s Tamariki Wellbeing team, this workshop ‘sold out’ quickly, with many attending Foundation North grantees.

Penny and Sophia presented the Niho Taniwha framework and their learning journey around embedding evaluative practice, then opened the session for questions. Key themes included: the power of centring matauranga Māori in evaluation and all mahi; the importance of making time for reflection and learning processes; how evaluative practice is a muscle to develop - start small and build; and the value of including resourcing for evaluation and learning in funding applications and funding agreements. The presentation, and a video recording of the workshop are available below.